Donate to LACH and SoulPhoneTM Research.
Thank you for supporting the research at LACH. Your donations are critical to furthering this ground-breaking work.
No matter what amount you're able to give, every donation makes a difference. Almost all of the costs for LACH and the SoulPhoneTM program are funded by our generous donors. Your contribution counts and will be used toward the equipment and the expertise needed to continue the breakthroughs for which LACH is known.
To support the general research at LACH, please click here.
To give in support of SoulPhoneTM research, please click here.
If you'd like to mail a check, please make it out to the University of Arizona Foundation, specify Psychology Dept./LACH in the memo line, and mail it to:
The University of Arizona Foundation
Financial Services Office
1111 N. Cherry Avenue
PO Box 210109
Tucson, AZ 85721